A Rotarian is a member of Rotary International, which is a global service organization that brings together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian services, promote ethical practices, and work towards fostering goodwill and peace in the world. Rotary International was founded in 1905 by Paul P. Harris in Chicago, and it has since grown into one of the largest and most well-known service organizations worldwide.
Rotarians belong to local Rotary clubs, which are community-based groups that meet regularly to plan and execute service projects, discuss community issues, and foster fellowship among members. Rotary clubs are non-political, non-religious, and open to individuals of all backgrounds, ethnicities, and professions.
The core values of Rotary are encapsulated in the organization’s “Four-Way Test,” which consists of the following four questions Rotarians are encouraged to apply in their personal and professional lives:
- Is it the TRUTH?
- Is it FAIR to all concerned?
- Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Rotarians are involved in a wide range of local and international projects, including initiatives related to education, health, sanitation, clean water, hunger relief, and more. They also support programs to promote peace, eradicate diseases like polio, and enhance literacy.
One of Rotary International’s significant achievements is its commitment to eradicating polio. Through the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, launched in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Rotary has played a crucial role in reducing polio cases globally.
ecoming a Rotarian involves a commitment to service, ethical conduct, and a dedication to the organization’s ideals. Rotary offers an opportunity for individuals to make a positive impact in their communities and around the world while fostering meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.